Let’s go together alo789 to learn about how to train chickens is an important process that helps your chicken maximize its strength and fighting skills. With support from experienced experts, chicken training tips will help you turn an ordinary chicken into a powerful warrior in matches.

1. How to train chickens: Understand clearly about fighting chickens and their fighting potential

Before starting the training process, it is most important that you understand the fighting potential of your chicken. Each breed of chicken will have unique characteristics of strength, speed, and ability to withstand attacks.

  • Like chicken: Some popular fighting chicken breeds such as pedigree chickens, Asil (Indian) chickens, and American chickens all have their own strengths. For example, Vietnamese chickens stand out for their bravery and endurance, while Asil chickens have delicate fighting techniques and agility.
  • Condition of the chicken: Chickens need to have a healthy, strong body and a fighting spirit. Chickens with weak constitutions will find it difficult to endure intense exercises.

Understanding the fighting potential of chickens and having kiến thức nuôi gà will help you choose the appropriate training method, helping your chicken maximize its potential strength. 

How to train chickens: Understand fighting chickens and their fighting potential

2. How to train chickens: Nutrition for fighting chickens

Nutrition plays an extremely important role in developing strength and physical strength for chickens. A balanced diet will help chickens develop muscle, increase endurance and maintain good health.

The important factor in nutrition:

  • Protein-rich foods: Protein helps develop muscles and strengthen chickens. You can add foods such as soaked rice, beef, balut, and insects (crickets, rice worms).
  • Fats and vitamins: Fat helps maintain energy throughout exercise. Green vegetables such as spinach, carrots, and lettuce will provide essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Calcium and minerals: Calcium helps strengthen bones, especially important for spur development. Add crushed eggshells, seashells or natural minerals.

Calendar Proper feeding program:

  • Breakfast: Usually soaked rice or insects (worms, crickets), helps chickens have enough energy to start a day of training.
  • Lunch: Balance between rice and green vegetables to supplement vitamins.
  • Dinner: Should be fed lightly in small amounts to avoid chickens from becoming obese, and also supplement foods rich in protein.

3. How to train chickens: Physical training schedule

For chickens to have good endurance and physical strength, exercise is indispensable. A strong fighting cock not only needs muscle strength, but also must have flexibility and flexible reaction speed.

Post Strength training

  • Run the cage: This is the most basic and popular method to help strengthen the legs and improve overall fitness. Chickens are placed in small cages and forced to run around the cage while trying to escape. This helps increase flexibility and develop leg muscles.
  • Dew pants (morning running): This exercise is performed early in the morning, when the air is fresh and cool. This process helps chickens increase their endurance and fighting spirit, especially in cold weather conditions.
  • Chicken rhyme: Chickens are rhymed to help practice practical fighting skills. Rhyming requires a reasonable rest time between rounds so that the chickens do not get too tired.

How to train chickens: Physical training schedule

Speed ​​and reflex exercises

  • Train your legs with light weights: Tie small bags of sand to the chicken’s feet to help them become stronger and more agile. When taking off the weights, the cock will feel light and the fighting speed will improve significantly.
  • Practice with artificial spurs: In spur cockfights, practicing with fake spurs (installed on the chicken’s feet) will help the chickens become more familiar and proficient with using spurs in fighting. This helps the chicken be more confident and strike accurately.

Conclude essay

How to train chickens requires patience, extensive understanding and precise techniques from experts. From nutrition, physical exercise, fighting skills to health care, each factor plays an important role in the development of fighting cocks. If done properly, you will own a true warrior, always ready to fight and bring about glorious victories.